Possibly my favourite session. I love cake smash and splash photoshoots. These studio shoots are aimed at children to celebrate their first birthday (although I did one with my own son for his second, and third birthday's) they are a great way to celebrate and document all the leaps, bounds and changes they have made in the last year.
At a cake smash, I start with a few nice portraits in smart clothes to capture their personalities, then the birthday child will usually be given a cake to play with. This makes for a lot of fun and some really great natural photos...
A cake can be provided by a very talented baker I work with, however, the cake can also be exchanged for a watermelon for variety and colour or even a wooden cake if you prefer.
Once they've got nice and messy, I get out a little tub with some warm water and bubbles which usually induces joy and wonder. Sometimes a milk bath with strawberries or flowers is just the ticket too.