Coronavirus in Hertfordshire - Helping your community

Joanne Lewis • 15 March 2020

5 ways to help your local community during the Coronvirus

I won't lie, I've been a little bit upset seeing all these images of crowds swarming into supermarkets to buy 700 toilet rolls and clearing the shelves of hand soap. Just 1 month ago, my social media feed was full of people preaching how we should be kind to each other in light of mental health awareness, but the slightest fear of isolation and apparently it's each man for himself. 

I'm not judging, I get it, I really do - people want to make sure their families will be ok - but last week, when we were down to our last toilet roll, it took me 3 visits to different supermarkets to find some. We were fine, we could have lived without it, we had kitchen roll. However, it did really get me thinking about my 94 year old client who gets the bus half an hour to the shop once a week. What happens to her when they don't have essentials in stock? She doesn't have a car that she can just drive around to other places until she finds some.  She can't go back at 8am to fight her way through the crowds. What about those who live pay check to pay check and can't stockpile? 

In light of all this, I have been looking at ways that I can help those who are more vulnerable. If you've been thinking the same thing, here are a few great tips.

1) Print off this little note and pop it in your neighbours doors.
If you are part of a local community group, you may find that streets are already being allocated, so check it out and see if you can help? I know we have some elderly neighbours down my road who I haven't spoken to personally, maybe this will be a lifeline?
Hello! If you are self-isolating, I can Help.
2) Provide meals for those who can't afford them
I've seen this little offer of help going around Facebook and I have no doubt that if schools become closed, there will be families who rely on free school meals that will depend on this community support:

C O R O N A V I R U S 🦠
If the school closures go ahead and you have concerns about your child not being able to eat breakfast or lunch let me know. 
I will do what I can to help. 
A cooked meal , A box of cereal, jug of milk, bread, sugar and cheese, jam. 
Whatever it may be, I will try to help.
Do not be ashamed we all need help at times.
Come in confidence that it will be confidential!!
If you too can offer help then copy and paste to your page to let others know they can come to you for support! 

3) Donate to your local Foodbank
Food bank donations are really down at the moment... Please donate a little if you can at the following collection points in Hertford and Ware:
Food bank - where to donate in Hertford and Ware
4) Spread a little cheer
There are some lovely ideas circulating with suggestions of how to spread a little love, especially to the elderly in nursing homes who may not be allowed any visitors now, or for the foreseeable future, or those self Isolation.  These can double up as a great activity to do with your children if they are home from school.

Get your kids to write notes, draw or colour-in pictures and send them to your local nursing home?

There is a great list of nursing homes in Hertford and nursing homes in Ware.

Alternatively there is a facebook group "Postcards of Kindness" you can join to reach individuals who are lonely and vulnerable.

In Spain they are putting rainbows 🌈 and “everything is going to be okay” in the windows ... This seems like a lovely way to cheer up your neighbourhood.
5) Help your Children/Grandchildren study if isolating
I LOVE this facbook post by Jean Parnell. It has been shared on facebook 36,000 (and counting) in 3 days, and I can totally see why - what an amazing list of FREE online educational resources that may help you keep you children entertained (and educated) if they are self isolation, or due to school closures. I will certainly be taking some time to go through each of the links.

School closures will no doubt come, for any parents worrying this list was put together by the home ed community 💗 feel free to share.
FREE online education resources
A non-exhaustive list that might help those affected by school closures due to coronavirus, compiled by home educators. 
Feel free to share.

Especially good for maths and computing for all ages but other subjects at Secondary level. Note this uses the U.S. grade system but it's mostly common material.

This site is old and no longer updated and yet there's so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.

Free to access 100s of courses, only pay to upgrade if you need a certificate in your name (own account from age 14+ but younger learners can use a parent account).

For those revising at GCSE or A level. Tons of free revision content. Paid access to higher level material.

Free taster courses aimed at those considering Open University but everyone can access it. Adult level, but some e.g. nature and environment courses could well be of interest to young people.

Learn computer programming skills - fun and free.

Creative computer programming

All sorts of engaging educational videos

Activities and quizzes for younger kids.

Learn languages for free. Web or app.

Free science lessons

Wide range of cool educational videos

You Tube videos on many subjects

As above for a younger audience

Science awards you can complete from home.

Digital enterprise award scheme you can complete online.

Free challenge packs and other downloads. Many activities can be completed indoors. Badges cost but are optional.

All kinds of making.

Is in U.S. grades, but good for UK Primary age.

Listening activities for the younger ones.

A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location!

Resources for English language learning

Lots of free resources for Primary age

Aimed at Secondary age. Multi disciplinary activities.

Geography gaming!

If you have a stamp and a nearby post box.

Good, free art activities

Easy arts and crafts for little ones

Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest.

Educational online games

Activities and quizzes

This is more for printouts, and usually at a fee, but they are offering a month of free access to parents in the event of school closures.
Twinkl free access code
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, Twinkl are offering everyone Twinkl Ultimate free for a month, to help keep children learning at home. Visit and enter the code PARENTSTWINKLHELPS to set up your free month of Twinkl Ultimate.

I hope these suggestions have helped. This is by no means a comprehensive list, so if you have any other suggetsyions, please ad them in the comments below.

by Joanne Lewis 4 December 2020
A picture of Santa and me...
by Joanne Lewis 3 December 2020
... Buy one, Get one Free*
by Joanne Lewis 2 December 2020
... a second print using the same photo for free*
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... a mounted print of a photo she's created for me*
Gift Voucher for Photography Sessions
by Joanne Lewis 26 November 2020
I couldn't let Black Friday 2020 go by without some amazing deals for my wonderful and valued customers... I've missed you all so much this year, but have loved the few shoots I was able to squeeze in between lockdowns and Home Education. With all the optimism I can muster for next year (I am naturally a pretty positive person) I am offering some spectacular deals on vouchers for my Hertford Studio and outdoor or on-location sessions next year (packages may be given as gifts, but please confirm preferred locations around Hertfordshire and some parts of London, Cambridgeshire and Essex with me before booking).
by Joanne Lewis 28 October 2020
You will need: an egg box scissors black and white paint paint brush googly eyes glue (hot glue gun ideally) black felt tip pen string or ribbon for hanging
by Joanne Lewis 28 October 2020
You will need: an egg box scissors white paint paint brush black felt tip pen or sharpie goggly eyes and glue (optional)
by Joanne Lewis 28 October 2020
You will need: an egg box scissors Orange (or yellow and red) paint paint brush black felt tip pen or sharpie lollypop stick glue green paper/card for leaf
by Joanne Lewis 28 October 2020
You will need: an egg box scissors black paint paint brush googly eyes glue Red paper/card for bow-tie White paper/card for shirt and teeth
by Joanne Lewis 28 October 2020
You will need: an egg box scissors green and black paint (or I used a green egg box for the head) paint brush googly eyes glue black paper/card for hat orange paper/card for hair 
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